
The Lady in the Van

by arrangement with Dominie Pty Ltd

written by Alan Bennett

directed by David Dare

14 NOV - 1 DEC 2007 at 8.15pm

Sunday Matinee 25 NOV at 3pm

In "The Lady in the Van", which the Village Voice called "one of the finest bursts of comic writing the twentieth century has produced," Bennett recounts the strange life of Miss Shepherd, a London eccentric who parked her van (overstuffed with decades' worth of old clothes, oozing batteries, and kitchen utensils still in their original packaging) in the author's driveway for more than fifteen years.

A mesmerizing portrait of an outsider with an acquisitive taste and an indomitable spirit, this biographical essay is drawn with equal parts fascination and compassion.


The Lady in the Van

©1952-2007 Heidelberg Theatre Company Inc.
Inc. No.: A0008432X • ABN: 70 112 958 020
Postal Address: PO Box 141 Rosanna VIC 3084
Street Address: 36 Turnham Ave Rosanna VIC 3084 (Melways Ref. 32 A1)
General: 03 9455 3039 • Bookings: 03 9457 4117 • Fax: 03 9457 2078
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