ALL MY SONSby arrangement with Hal Leonard Australiawritten by Arthur Millerdirected by Chris McLean7 JUL - 22 JUL 2017Weeknights and Saturdays at 8:00 pmSundays and final Saturday at 2:00 pmAbout the playAll My Sons explores the repercussions on a close-knit household after personal gain is put ahead of social duty. Some years back Joe Keller chose the prosperity of his family over the well-being of others. Now we join the family on the day of reckoning. This is Arthur Miller at his finest. Winner of the Drama Critics Award for Best New Play in 1947, All My Sons established the playwright as a leading voice in 20th century theatre. NOTE: This play includes events that some audience members may find confronting. For further details you can enquire at CAST details: