

by arrangement with Dominie Pty Ltd

written by Yasmina Reza

directed by Wayne Pearn

5 JUL - 22 JUL 2006

Serge has just splurged 200,000 francs on a white minimalist painting. He wants validation from his two best friends, Marc and Yvan, to feel good about his purchase. Marc loathes it and vehemently tells Serge so. Yvan is ambivalent; however, he endeavours to placate his friends as they square off over the art using this point of difference as a platform to attack each other - both intellectually and personally.

Playwright Yasmina Reza's examination of male relationships poses the question "What is friendship?" in this witty, sophisticated multi award - winning play.



Marc.....................Bruce Akers
Serge....................Chris McLean
Yvan.....................Barry Lockett


Director.................Wayne Pearn
Production..............Wendy Drowley
Assistants to Director..Julie Hall, Laurel Gourlay
Set Design..............George Tranter
Lighting Design.........Stelios Karagiannis
Sound Design...........Tim Fluitsma
Artwork.................Leanne Cole
Properties...............Rose Capuano
Wardrobe...............Lois Connor & Wendy Drowley
Stage Managers........Taryn Gater & Gen Meehan
Lighting Operation.....Struan McGregor
Sound Operation.......Struan McGregor
Set Mechanics..........Ted Drowley, Paddy Moriarty, Dennis Pain

©1952-2006 Heidelberg Theatre Company Inc.
Inc. No.: A0008432X • ABN: 70 112 958 020
Postal Address: PO Box 141 Rosanna VIC 3084
Street Address: 36 Turnham Ave Rosanna VIC 3084 (Melways Ref. 32 A1)
General: 03 9455 3039 • Bookings: 03 9457 4117 • Fax: 03 9457 2078
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