
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

by arrangement with Dominie Pty Ltd

written by Tennessee Williams

directed by Geoff Hickey

13 SEP - 30 SEP 2006 at 8.15pm

Sunday Matinee 24 SEP at 3pm

Written in 1955 by one of America's greatest playwrights this Pulitzer prize winning play is set in a plantation house on the Mississippi Delta. Members of the Pollitt clan have gathered to celebrate the sixty fifth birthday of patriarch, Big Daddy. Outwardly, a happy occasion the gathering is underpinned by a sullen mood as the sins of the past and a covetous view of the future lead these repressed individuals to seek refuge in lies. This mendacity harbours the insecurities and frailties of their lives, lives that are lived literally as a Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.



Brick...............Angelo De Cata
Maggie.............Deborah McKelvey
Big Mama..........Sandy Green
Big Daddy..........Bob Crawford
Gooper.............Dan Purdey
Mae................Leeann Cairnduff
Dr Baugh...........Ron Chapman


Director............Geoff Hickey
Lighting Design....Kirsten Mander & Brian Marriner
Set Design..........Dennis Pain
Set Mechanics......Dennis Pain, Ted Drowley, Paddy Moriarty
Sound Design.......Bruce Parr
Properties..........Rose Capuano
Production..........Wayne Pearn


cat on a hot tin roof
©1952-2006 Heidelberg Theatre Company Inc.
Inc. No.: A0008432X • ABN: 70 112 958 020
Postal Address: PO Box 141 Rosanna VIC 3084
Street Address: 36 Turnham Ave Rosanna VIC 3084 (Melways Ref. 32 A1)
General: 03 9455 3039 • Bookings: 03 9457 4117 • Fax: 03 9457 2078
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