by arrangement with Eric Glass Ltd

written by Boris Vian

directed by Morgan Dowsett

15 FEB - 4 MAR 2006

This "Paramilitary Vaudeville" takes place on June 6, 1944 during the landing of Anglo-America forces at Arromanches in Normandy. In the midst of WWII exploding outside their front door, the only worry of a father (the horse knacker), and his bizarre family, is deciding whether they should marry off their daughter to a German who has been sharing her bed for four years.

"Nothing could be more serious than this farce which is not a farce and yet is one."
-Jean Cocteau

"The play is above all a burlesque: it seemed to me that the best approach to war was to laugh at its expense."
-Boris Vian


©1952-2005 Heidelberg Theatre Company Inc.
Inc. No.: A0008432X • ABN: 70 112 958 020
Postal Address: PO Box 141 Rosanna VIC 3084
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